Nothing New :(

14 Jul

It is not that I have forgotten to blog, it’s just that there is nothing to blog about 😦

Here is a quick update on the knitting:

I have been knitting away at the baby blanket I have been working on this month, and still have another foot to go, I am not a patient person but I find myself admiring all my hard work, I just have to find a willing baby for the blanket.

To give my fingers something else to do, I started work on the Garterrific by Alexandra Tinsley, which is going by pretty quick, I struggled a little with the beginning, but finally got it to work and it is looking really good.

Here is an update on life:

Working and working, and thanks to the summer I have also been drinking beer and getting sunburnt (started to peel yesterday ewwww)  It is embarrassing to admit, but the only reason I got sunburnt is that I missed a spot on the front of my shoulders 😦 I am pale and don’t even know enough to put sunscreen on correctly.

I am looking forward to a weekend where there isn’t a lot going on, which means there might be a more substantial update soon 🙂


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